前WWE重量級冠軍及新日本次重量級冠軍綽號天馬星及狂暴狼的Chris Benoit於北美時間6月25日被發現與家人陳屍於自家住宅
以下文章有許多其他摔角選手對於Chris Benoit的感性懷念與發言以及不堪想像的推測死因,如不想得知Chris Benoit與家人真正死因,請儘速離開
星期天上面的PPV Vengeance,原定參加ECW世界冠軍爭奪戰,並且有可能奪得冠軍的Chris Benoit賽前突然被WWE宣佈由於個人原因缺席,頂替他的Johnny Nitro獲得了ECW的冠軍腰帶。
WWE is sad to report that Chris Benoit and his family have been found dead in their home. Police are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the deaths. Tonight's Raw will be a tribute to Chris and his family.
WWE很傷心的宣佈Chris Benoit和他的家人被發現陳屍在他們的家裡。調查組目前正在研究死因。今晚上的Raw將會是紀念Chris Benoit和他的家人。
就目前的消息來看,這不太可能是劇情。雖然原因仍在調查中,但是Chris Benoit很不幸的重複了他的老朋友Eddie Guerrero,在將要奪冠的前夕突然不幸的去世。
STAMFORD, Conn., June 25, 2007
– World Wrestling Entertainment was informed today by authorities in Fayetteville County, Ga., that WWE Superstar Chris Benoit, his wife, Nancy, and his son were found dead in their home. Authorities are investigating, but no other details are available at this time.
Instead of its announced programming for tonight on USA Network, WWE will air a three-hour tribute to Chris Benoit.
Chris was beloved among his fellow Superstars, and was a favorite among WWE fans for his unbelievable athleticism and wrestling ability. He always took great pride in his performance, and always showed respect for the business he loved, for his peers and towards his fans. This is a terrible tragedy and an unbearable loss.
WWE extends its sincere condolences and prayers to the Benoit family and loved ones in this time of tragedy.
WWE被Fayetteville County,Gerogia的警方通知,WWE的明星Chris Benoit和他的妻子Nancy,和他的兒子被發現死在家中。官方還正在調查死因,不過目前仍然沒有透漏細節。
原定計劃在USA Network播出的節目將改為3小時的特別節目來紀念他。
Chris Benoit一直深受其他選手的愛戴,也一直因為不懈的精神和精湛的技巧被廣大觀眾喜愛。他為他的每一次表演光榮,而且非常尊敬和熱愛這個行業,工作人員以及摔跤迷們。失去他是一個非常遺憾的損失。
WWE在此對Chris Benoit和他的家人獻上最崇高的哀悼和悼念。
Association Press(美聯社)的消息...
Wrestler Chris Benoit, Wife and Child Found Dead
Chris Benoit (Courtesy of wwe.com) FAYETTEVILLE, Ga. (AP) -- Authorities said professional wrestler Chris Benoit, his wife and child were found slain Monday at their Fayette County home.
Lieutenant Tommy Pope of the Fayette County Sheriff's Department said the three were found about 2:30 p.m., but he would release no other details.
Pope said the deaths are being investigated as homicide, but the cause of death awaits autopsy results tomorrow.
He would not say how the bodies were discovered, or who found them.
The World Wrestling Entertainment said on its Website that the 40-year-old Benoit, his wife, Nancy, and his son Daniel were found dead but also had no other details.
The WWE said that instead of its programming Monday night on USA Network, it would air a three-hour tribute to Benoit.
位於FAYETTEVILLE, Ga. 的警方宣佈職業摔角手Chris Benoit和他的妻子Nancy和兒子Daniel在星期一早上被發現死在他們位於Fayette County的家中。
Fayette County警局的長官Tommy Pope宣稱他們的屍體與2:30 PM時被發現,但是他沒有透露更多的細節。
WWE說他們今天的原有節目將改為3小時的紀念Chris Benoit的節目。
Total Non-Stop Action的消息..
TNA Wrestling Mourns The Untimely Loss Of Chris Benoit
Everyone in the TNA family joins the entire wrestling world in mourning the untimely passing of Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy and their son Daniel.
Many TNA staff and stars worked closely with Chris throughout his career and we are all shocked and saddened to lose a friend and legendary competitor. Benoit was considered a consummate professional both in and out of the ring. Please keep Chris and the Benoit family in your thoughts and prayers during this time of tragedy.
TNA的所有成員今天和整個摔跤業一起沉痛悼念Chris Benoit,太太Nancy和他們的兒子Daniel的去世。
許多TNA的工作人員以及選手都曾經與Chris Benoit共事過,我們對於失去一位朋友和這位傳奇的摔跤手感到震驚和難過。Benoit在場上合場下一直是一位專業的選手。請大家記住Chris Benoit和他的家人並且為他們祈禱。
這裡要說明一下,Chris Benoit和妻子Nancy以及兒子Daniel的去世並不是代表他"全家死光",他還有一個兒子和女兒......
Wrestling star Chris Benoit, his wife, Nancy, and their 7-year-old son Daniel were found dead in their suburban Atlanta home Monday. The deaths are being investigated as a possible suicide and double homicide, authorities told ABC News.
Lt. Tommy Pope of the Fayette County Sheriff's Department told ABC News that Benoit had missed several appointments over the weekend, leading concerned parties to ask police to do a "welfare check." When sheriffs arrived at the Benoits' home, they found the wrestler, his wife, and their son dead.
There were no signs of gunshot wounds or stabbing, according to Pope. Authorities are not ruling out other causes, such as poisoning, suffocation, or strangulation. Pope told ABC News that his department is looking at this situation as a "possible double murder, suicide."
Pope said "the instruments of death were located on scene," but would not specify what those instruments are or where in the house the bodies were found. Pope added the department is "not actively searching for any suspects outside of the house."
An autopsy has been scheduled for Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. However, it could be weeks before there is a result.
Benoit, 40, was scheduled to spar against C.M. Punk in a pay-per-view event Sunday night in Houston for the Extreme Champion Wrestling title. But Benoit canceled before the event, citing personal reasons.
A native of Edmonton, Alberta, Benoit was known in the ring as the "Canadian Crippler."
摔角明星Chris Benoit在星期一被發現和妻子Nancy Benoit和7歲大的兒子Daniel Benoit一起死在了他們位於Atlanta的家中。官方宣佈調查的死因為疑似自殺和雙重謀殺。
當地警局的警員Tommy Pope說Chris Benoit在週末缺席了一些會議和事件,讓所屬的團體通知警方去查看一下。而當警方到場的時候,已經發現他與妻子和兒子已死亡。
驗屍將在星期二早上10:00 AM進行,不過結果估計要等到幾周後才會公佈。
40歲的Chris Benoit原計劃是在星期天的Pay-Per-View上面與CM Punk爭奪Etreme Championship Wrestling的世界冠軍腰帶。但是最後Benoit以私人事情取消出席該活動。
在加拿大Edmonton, Alberta出生的Chris Benoit,在擂臺上被稱為"Canadian Crippler"
Detective Bo Turner told Atlanta television station WAGA that the case is being investigated as a murder-suicide, but said that cannot be determined until the evidence is examined by a crime lab. The station says investigators believe Benoit killed his wife and the boy, Daniel, sometime over the weekend, and then himself sometime today. A concerned neighbor called police. The bodies were found in three different rooms.
Bo Turner探員對WAGA亞特蘭大廣播電臺說,本案經調查有可能是一起“謀殺-自殺案”,但在驗屍報告出來之前還不能就此斷定。電視臺稱調查員們相信Benoit在週末殺死了妻子和兒子,隨後在今天某一時刻自殺。事後一位鄰居打電話報警,屍體分別躺在三間屋子裡。
According to a report on WAGA-TV, investigators believe Chris Benoit killed his wife and son at some point over the weekend, and then killed himself earlier today.
Detective Bo Turner told the staion the case was being investigated as a murder-suicide, but it could not be confirmed until the evidence was examined by a crime lab.
Sources in the Fayette County Police Department are now working under the theory that Chris Benoit killed Nancy on Saturday, son Daniel on Sunday, and then killed himself earlier today.
Benoit was found dead in his weight room. Nancy was found dead in the lving room. Daniel was found dead in his bedroom, accordig t an unnamed source in the department.
是Chris Benoit在週末的某個時間點殺害了妻小之後,在今天(週一)稍早時自殺。
警官Bo Turner說這件案子是以"自殺與謀殺"的方式來偵查的,
警方已經朝著「Chris Benoit在週六殺害妻子,再於週日殺害兒子,最後於今日(週一)自殺」的方向偵辦。
據一位不願透露姓名的Chris Benoit友人透露,在週末Benoit給他發了個短信說了他在一個很激烈的爭吵中誤殺了他的妻子。之後他很驚慌,隨即殺掉了兒子Daniel,以不讓他在失去母親和得知父親是殺人兇手的情況下長大。
1. Gregory Helms對 Benoit逝世的感想:
當我接到 Benoit和家人逝世的通知電話時,我正坐在電腦旁。除了希望 Benoit的其他家人能走出陰影之外,我不知道該說什麼了。Chris上週四才打電話來關心我的頸部傷勢,就像他每個禮拜做的一樣,結果過了幾天我卻發現他已經走了!他是我的朋友。這很令人難過!這感覺真是他X的糟透了!!安息吧我的朋友,我愛你!
2. Sharmell和Booker對 Benoit逝世的感想:
在現在這種很艱難的時刻沒辦法輕易解釋,我們已經度過了一個難受的星期,先是Sensational Sherri的離開,現在是Benoit和他的家人!我們願意對整個Benoit家庭付出更多關懷,並為他們在這艱困的時刻祈禱。
「狂暴狼獾」也許走了,但他留給人們的是不會被遺忘的,他不屈的拼戰精神會活下去,就像他花了無數的歲月才達到現在的成就一般,如同他追趕心目中的偶像Dynamite Kid一般。總之我們希望這次悲劇能讓人們重視該重視的事情:請感謝你們所擁有的一切,並讓家庭越穩固越好。
3. 有關Benoit及家人逝世的新聞報導畫面。http://www.pwmania.com/newsarticle.php?page=184862607
4. Benoit的妻子Nancy以前也在摔角業(NWA,ECW,WCW)中擔任選手們的經紀人,她那時的名稱是「Woman」。
5. 由於本周原有的RAW節目取消,觀眾們也被請回家,WWE正在考慮要退還門票的價錢,還是要提供未來他們在同個小鎮(德州的Corpus Christi)的免費門票。他們(WWE和美國銀行中心)會在本周內決定。
6. WWE的購物網站已經撤下了Benoit的所有相關產品。如果你在那網站搜尋Benoit,會得到「搜尋停止」的結果。
7. Calgary Sun(加拿大的一家著名日報)刊登了一篇關於Benoit及家人逝世的文章,其中引用了Bret Hart和他妹妹Diana Hart的感想:
「我並不清楚細節,但我明白我不想知道。Benoit就像我的家人一樣, 而我的家人們也都很難過,這簡直就像重新經歷Owen(Hart)的離開一般。」 由文章內容可以看出,Bret是在Benoit被懷疑殺害妻小並自殺前發表的感想。
8. Benoit的資料已經從ECW分頁中被移除──兩年前Eddie過世時他的資料仍然留在SD!分頁數月。不過WWE官網還是有連到Benoit資料的網頁。
9. 根據wrestling observer所報導,Vince McMahon在昨晚擔任了所有選手和工作人員的精神支柱,所有人都感到極度的悲傷和困惑。Vince也在昨天(週一)決定,本周的ECW和SD!將不會有任何劇情(包括向Benoit致敬的特別節目),如同本周的RAW一樣,所有預定的劇情都被取消了,而以單純的摔角比賽取代。要讓所有人一起工作很困難,因為大家在這令人傷心的一天之後都身心受創了。
10. Fayetteville當地的警方對外宣佈,在今天(美國時間週二)下午,他們會舉行公開的記者會,公佈初步的勘察(或是驗屍)結果。記者會將在下午三點左右舉行(大約就是現在)。
11. (來自PWInsider.com)令人極度震驚且悲傷的消息:警方相信Benoit先勒死妻子Nancy後,在兒子Daniel的床上悶死了他,最後他在重量訓練室中上吊自殺。警方正在調查這起悲劇和類固醇有沒有關係。這消息已經獲得美聯社的證實。根據TMZ.com的一篇文章,Benoit是在Vengeance進行時發出那些奇怪簡訊,這暗示著他當時可能還在收看Vengeance。
如果有新消息,我會繼續更新下去,只是想不到Chris以如此方式離開這個世界,更讓人想起Eddie Guerrero離去時Chris當時悲傷不能自己的畫面.......
- Jun 27 Wed 2007 09:54
悲慟與遺憾!!!"Crippler"Chris Benoit去世